Chief Mike Keller presents check to Club
On Thursday, July 13th Chief of Police Mike Keller spoke to the Club to give an update about the Andover Police Department. Before his presentation, he had the privilege of presenting a check in the amount of $7,299 from the City of Andover. This check was from the involvement the Club had during the Clint Black Summer Concert. The Rotary Club of Andover served beer during the concert. These funds will be used to help support local organizations and projects in the Andover area.

Club Support Spurs Education, Better Relations In Zimbabwe
While many Rotary Club members see recent donations to a school in Zimbabwe as a noble thing to do, the support is actually helping foster better relations between factions that have been at odds in the country for nearly fifteen years. That was the message given by world famous hunter and safari guide Barry Style during his address to the Andover Rotary Club on Thursday.